
Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Formative Instructional and Assessment Tasks for the Common Core State Standards in Mathematics

When teachers understand what students know and can do, and then use that knowledge to make more effective instructional decisions, the net result is greater learning for students and a greater sense of satisfaction for teachers.  George Bright and Jeane Joyner (2005)

Looking for Common Core Aligned instructional tasks, quick checks, or formative assessment tasks?  Check out this resource from NCDPI:  

In my experience, these wiki sites work best on a computer, rather than an iPad.  
There you'll find tasks aligned to the Common Core State Standard for Mathematics that are designed to be used to guide instruction.  It is recommended that you first read the Overview to learn more about how NCDPI suggests using these tasks in your classroom.  

As more information  is released about the CCSS for Math, these tasks will be updated.  The NC DPI appreciates suggestions and feedback to help improve this resource.  Please send feedback to Kitty Rutherford ( or Denise Schulz (